I think people are a little confused. Well, that goes without saying. But I think people are especially confused on the idea of karma. In the traditional, Buddhist (read – actual) definition, karma is what we sow in this life to be reaped in the next. It is not something that comes back to us next week or next year or when we least expect it. It is part of the path to enlightenment. It is something that is more eternal than “don’t be an asshole so no one will be an asshole to you”. Yes, it helps determine whether or not you will be coming back as an ant or a dog or a human again. No, it does not mean that if you give a bum $5, you will find $50 on the street – that just means that you will be out five bucks.
So why do we feel that if we do good, good will happen? Maybe it’s just that exchange of positive energy. Maybe is the putting out into the universe of that positive energy.
So why aren’t we more positive? I mean, we’ve all heard of The Secret. We all want to believe that it’s true. We all want good things to happen to us. So why don’t we want good things for others? Isn’t there enough good for everyone? I don’t understand why there is so much anger, hate, and intolerance in this world when we are so capable of peace, love, and understanding. Is it so much harder to extend love? I am as culpable as anyone. I get angry at the guy who cuts me off or the person with 11 items in the express lane or that we need “Caution: Hot” on the tops of coffee lids. But, how do we change that? How do I transform the hateful feelings into love-filled ones?
Maybe it all starts within. Maybe, if we love ourselves enough, we can love others and live more peacefully.