There are so many things in this world that I don’t understand. I’m a pretty smart girl and that’s still not an understatement. But there are definitely things that are well beyond my comprehension. I don’t understand racism. More importantly, I don’t understand the racism that people have for themselves. It is beyond my comprehension. I would like to believe that we live in a world where the color of your skin is not what is holding you back. And I think I’m right. I don’t think it’s the color of your skin anymore. I think it’s the way your carry yourself and the responsibility for yourself that you claim. Or don’t.
I also don’t understand religion. I thought that religion was there to bring us closer to God. Isn’t that the purpose of faith? I didn’t think it was there to serve as a cause for war and hate. Those, to me, are the opposite of what God is. I didn’t think it was a doctrine by which to live or denounce others with. I also doubt that religion was put into place to serve as a platform with which to steal elections and admonish homosexuality. Dishonesty and judgment also seem to me to be completely contradictory to God.
Another thing I don’t understand is hypocrisy. I know we are all guilty of it. Sometimes there are special circumstances. But, I don’t understand how we can harshly judge some while not others, case in point - Sarah Palin. She is a complete oxymoron. She is a woman-hater living in a woman’s body. Her political views could not be further from what I hold to be a feminine ideal. She is anti-abortion. That belief is one that I can sort of/maybe/partially understand. Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. It is not a cure for irresponsibility. However, isn’t the worse crime bringing an unwanted child into this world? But, I digress. Sarah Palin is unintelligent, unaware, and ignorant. She is a disgrace to everything female. And, yet, people still laud her. Republican women enjoy the fact that she has a hard-partying, pregnant 17 year old daughter. They think it makes her more "normal", "more like us". However, I beg to ask, would they feel the same if Lynne Spears was John McCain’s pick? What if it were a 17 year old Chelsea Clinton who was pregnant? The answers to those questions would be completely the opposite of the way they view Sarah Palin. It is a hypocrisy that I have no hope of ever understanding.
I don’t understand the constant state of fear that we are living in. I don’t understand how people in the Bush Administration feel that is successful. What about your country living in fear, being hated by the rest of the world, and your government suspending civil liberties and calling it the Patriot Act sounds like success? What have we traded for “security”? Security that’s not even secure, for that matter? I don’t understand why we hear the tales of warning of Muslim extremists but never the Christian ones. Where are the cries of terrorism when someone bombs an abortion clinic? It’s still terrorism. And it’s terrorism based on religion. Doesn’t that fall into the same category? What about when one gay man is brutally beaten and murdered by a group of angry, hateful people? Isn’t that terror?