Goals. Everyone has them, even if they don’t know it. It feels silly to list them out for the whole word to see. Well, maybe not the whole world. And maybe it doesn’t feel silly if your goals are to, say, own your own business or become partner in a law firm. But goal-setting somehow feels silly to me. Maybe that’s because my goals are “star in movies” and “be a lead on a hit TV series”. But, I’ve been doing some serious thinking about these goals of mine and I’ve come to some conclusions.
If I ever want to achieve any goals, I have to set them. Sounds simple, right? All of the greats set goals. I’ll use some tired Olympic allegories here. Michael Phelps lists his goals and puts them on his night stand. They are there when he wakes up and there when he goes to sleep. Shawn Johnson had a vision board. Guess what was in the center. A picture of the gold, silver, and bronze medals from the Bejing Olympics.
Why does it sound so crazy to me? I mean, I have to have goals set in order to reach them. That part sounds logical. But why am I judging what my goals are? And why do I feel like I have to share them with anyone? I don’t. They would be mine, just for me. And anyone who judges me for my goals…well. Easier said than done.
But where does the “silly” feeling come from. I’m a major list maker. I make lists for groceries, Target, to do. I make lists of lists. Those are goals too. Small, albeit, but still goals. Maybe if I look at it differently. As a to do list instead of goal setting.
So, I’ve created my vision board and I’m working on listing my goals. Hopefully they won’t sound so silly after a while.